Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 3 in Durham, NC

Today I went to the oldest state university in the US.  UNC (University of North Carolina) is in Chapel Hill, which is a little smaller than Durham, but very nice.  The university has over 30,000 students and it is really big.  They have all sorts of sports teams and basketball is very popular.

They have lots of really cool buildings.  They even have a planetarium where you can see all of the stars and constellations.

We went to UNC to visit people and drink some hot chocolate.  It was a little cold, so the hot chocolate was especially good.  I got to see the building where they teach Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, and a bunch of other languages.  And I met some new friends: Alex, Matt, and Kai.

After we went to UNC, we came home and watched the Olympics.  Tomorrow we are going to visit the Duke - the university in Durham.

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